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    The Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan Helpline: +992 372212121…Service Assistance phone number 19-19 of Minister of internal affairs…


According to the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "On Police" from 2004 and the Regulations of district police inspectors, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan No. 10 from February 23, 2013, district police inspectors, like other employees of the internal affairs bodies, are granted the right to perform their duties:
1) demand that citizens and officials maintain public order, stop offenses and actions that impede the exercise of police powers, and in the event of failure to comply with these requirements, apply coercive measures provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan;
2) check citizens' identity documents if there are sufficient grounds to suspect them of committing a crime or administrative offense, as well as demand other documents necessary for compliance with the rules, the control of which is assigned to the police;
3) to bring in and document persons who have committed administrative offences and to take measures against them as provided for by the current legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan;
4) in cases provided for by law, to impose an administrative penalty for offences or to submit documents on the administrative penalty for consideration by the court or a commission under local government bodies;
5) to take, together with the relevant bodies, in the manner determined by law, measures as provided by law to monitor minors conditionally released from places of imprisonment, as well as convicted persons for whom the execution of a sentence of imprisonment has been deferred;
6) to detain and deliver to reception centres for minors under the age of eighteen who have committed socially dangerous acts, if their isolation is necessary, as well as minors left without care and sent to special educational and correctional institutions;
7) to detain military personnel suspected of committing a crime, initiate criminal proceedings against them, conduct urgent investigative actions and, in the manner and within the timeframes determined by law, transfer them according to their jurisdiction, as well as to detain military personnel who have committed administrative offenses until they are transferred to military patrols, the military commandant, commanders of military units or military commissars;
8) to detain and hold in custody persons suspected of committing crimes, as well as persons in respect of whom detention has been chosen as a preventive measure;
9) to summon (verbally or in writing) citizens and officials to the police on cases and materials under production;
10) conduct an examination of persons suspected of committing a crime or an administrative offense for the use of alcohol, narcotic, psychotropic and other intoxicating drugs, or send or deliver these persons to medical institutions if the result of the examination is necessary to confirm or refute the fact of an offense or to consider a case of offenses;
11) deliver to medical institutions or a police station on duty and keep persons who were intoxicated in public places until sobering up, if their appearance offended human dignity and public morality and if they lost the ability to move independently, or could harm others or themselves, and those in the dwelling - upon oral or written application citizens living there, if there is reason to believe that the behavior of these persons poses a danger to their lives, health and property;
12) to carry out the accounting of individuals and legal entities, objects and facts provided for by law and use the data of these accounts;
13) to issue official warnings to citizens about the inadmissibility of their illegal behavior and to register these persons;
14) in cases provided for by law, to make records, photographing, sound recording, film and video shooting, fingerprinting and registration of persons detained on suspicion of committing crimes or for engaging in vagrancy and begging, prisoners in custody, persons subjected to administrative arrest on the basis of a court decision, as well as persons suspected of committing an administrative offense if it is impossible to establish their identity;
15) in order to prevent and disclose crimes and search for fugitive criminals, in compliance with the requirements of the law, to carry out operational search activities and use information, including information obtained using technical means;
16) temporarily restrict or prohibit citizens' access to certain areas or facilities in order to ensure public order, public safety, protection of life and health of citizens, as well as to conduct individual investigative actions, restrict or prohibit the movement of vehicles and pedestrians on streets, roads and railway crossings;
17) to cordon (block) areas of the area, individual buildings and facilities during the pursuit and detention of escaped convicts and persons in custody, the search for criminals and persons suspected of committing a crime, to suppress mass riots and violations of public order, as well as in other emergency circumstances and situations threatening public safety, to carry out in this regard, the inspection of vehicles;
18) in case of direct suppression of crimes, prosecution of persons suspected of committing crimes and in emergency circumstances threatening public safety, enter residential buildings, the territory and premises of enterprises, institutions, organizations, land plots of individuals (except for diplomatic missions, consular offices and representative offices of international organizations accredited in the Republic of Tajikistan) and to carry out operational investigative measures. In all cases of penetration into the dwelling, premises of enterprises, institutions, organizations, land plots of individuals against the will of their owners, in accordance with the procedure established by law, inform the prosecutor within 24 hours;
19) in the presence of reliable data on a committed crime in the field of financial (banking and budgetary treasuries in accordance with the legislation related to the specified activity), economic, entrepreneurial and commercial activities, in accordance with the procedure established by law, enter the premises of enterprises, institutions and organizations, regardless of subordination and forms of ownership (except for diplomatic missions, consular offices and representative offices of international organizations accredited in the Republic of Tajikistan), to conduct, with the participation of the owner of the property, or his authorized representatives, an inspection of industrial, commercial and other office premises, vehicles, places of storage and use of property, within the limits of their competence, in accordance with the procedure established by law, to draw up the necessary documents;
20) to seize documents from citizens and officials that have signs of forgery, as well as things, objects and substances withdrawn from civil circulation, to store unattended property and, in accordance with the procedure established by law, to resolve the issue of their further ownership;
21) in the presence of reliable data, in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan, carry out personal inspection and inspection of hand luggage and baggage of passengers of civil and military aircraft;
22) to issue documents on citizenship, permanent and temporary residence of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the territory of the Republic of Tajikistan, to monitor compliance with the established period and place of residence in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan;
23) issue permits to enterprises, institutions and organizations of all forms of ownership for the purchase, storage, transportation of firearms, ammunition, explosives, potent chemical, toxic and other items, substances and materials in accordance with the lists defined by the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan, and to citizens - to purchase, carry, store firearms and military supplies, as well as to revoke these permits, to seize weapons and ammunition from enterprises, regardless of their forms of ownership and citizens, in violation of the rules for their storage, use, as well as in other cases provided for by law, to issue licenses for the opening of weapons repair, pyrotechnic, stamp-engraving enterprises, shops selling firearms, ammunition, shooting ranges and stands; revoke these permits (licenses) in violation of the established procedure for their activities;
24) prohibit the operation of vehicles in the presence of technical malfunctions that pose a threat to road safety, stop vehicles and check documents for the right to use and manage them, as well as documents for vehicles and transported goods, inspect vehicles and goods with the participation of drivers and citizens accompanying the goods, carry out an inspection if it is suspected that they are being used for illegal purposes, remove persons from driving vehicles, in respect of whom there are sufficient grounds to believe that they are intoxicated, as well as those who do not have documents for the right to drive or use a vehicle, detain a vehicle that is wanted, restrict or prohibit repair and construction work on streets and roads, if the requirements for public safety are not met, exercise control for compliance with the conditions provided for by licenses for the production of driver's license forms, state registration plates and other special products necessary for the admission of vehicles and drivers to participate in road traffic, as well as for work on the installation and operation of technical means of traffic management, suspend the validity of these licenses, cancel and extend their validity periods;
25) to use free of charge in the performance of official duties all types of public transport of urban, suburban and local communications (except taxis). Employees of police units on transport within the serviced areas have the right to free travel for official purposes on trains and aircraft;
26) in urgent cases, during the performance of official duties, to freely use vehicles belonging to enterprises regardless of their forms of ownership or citizens (except for vehicles of diplomatic, consular and other representative offices of foreign states, international organizations), at the request of the owners of vehicles, the damage caused to them is compensated in full in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan;
27) to use freely for official purposes the means of communication belonging to enterprises, regardless of the form of ownership, and in urgent cases - the means of communication belonging to citizens;
28) submit mandatory representations to the relevant state bodies, public associations, and officials on the need to take measures to eliminate the causes and conditions conducive to the commission of crimes and other offenses, indicating the deadline for submitting information on the measures taken, in case of late fulfillment of the requirements, raise a question before a higher authority about bringing perpetrators to justice in accordance with the established procedure The law is in order;
29) to use the services of mass media and communications free of charge in order to prevent crimes and other offenses, establish the circumstances of crimes and persons who committed them, search for fugitive criminals, missing persons;
30) to encourage persons who have assisted in the performance of tasks assigned to the police, to announce the appointment of remuneration for assistance in solving crimes and detaining persons who committed them, and to pay it to citizens;
31) to keep, with the approval of the prosecutor, in the receivers-distributors of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan persons detained under circumstances requiring clarification of their identity within the period necessary for this, but not more than one month. In exceptional cases, this period may be extended by the prosecutor, but not more than two months. In cases where it is impossible to immediately apply for a sanction to the prosecutor, the issue of giving a sanction must be resolved no later than within the time limit established by law.
A police officer has the right to keep, carry and use service weapons and special equipment after passing appropriate training.
Department of public order protection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan.

14.03.2017 15:23